Due to COVID-19 restrictions and the need for social distancing that endures, the Quilt Show is postponed until 2022.
Quilts are some of the most beautiful and practical items of Ozark life.
The Southern Belle Grandmothers Club of West Plains has hosted its annual quilt show in conjunction with the festival, and organizers encourage area residents and quilt enthusiasts to bring their favorite quilts to display.
Cindy McLean always has a demonstration of hands-on quilting on the Mezzanine during the Festival. Come visit with the quilters and view the many beautiful pieces that will be on display. Quilts from previous events will be displayed, as well as other fabric art items.
For several years, an old-fashioned “quilt turning” has been featured on the mezzanine of the Civic Center. Quilt turning evolved from ladies proudly showing their prized quilts to friends and visitors. As quilts were often stored on beds, the quilts were shown along with a short story told about the pattern, materials and historical points. After a quilt was viewed, it was folded to the foot of the bed, exposing the next quilt to be admired.
The quilt show was first held in 2005 in the historic Butler Building on Washington Avenue and joined the festival in 2006 as an annual featured exhibit. It showcases all types of quilts – individually made, group quilted, hand-pieced, hand-quilted, machine-pieced or quilted, or any combination. Those visiting the show are given stickers to vote for their selection for the People’s Choice Award announced at the end of the exhibit.
Those wishing to display a quilt are asked to pin a note to their quilts that tells the story of its maker, use or other history of the piece. Every quilt has a story, and sharing that is part of the festival mission, organizers said.
2019’s quilt was an heirloom design titled “Back to Nature Revisited.”
For more information, contact Vice-President Barbara Butler at 417-256-6184.
Cindy McLean, a member of the Southern Belle Grandmothers Club of West Plains, has been demonstrating traditional quilting techniques since 2006 at the Festival. Attendees are encouraged to try their hand at stitching, and then sign their “square.” Quilts from previous years are on display, so those who have participated in years past may find their signatures on them.
Fabric arts are a huge part of our history and heritage. McLean brings many examples of quilts, aprons, and other home-produced items that were such a huge part of the culture in years past. A visit to this exhibit is time well-spent.